Meet Our Pastor
Rev. Paul Donghwan Oh
I am Donghwan "Paul" Oh. You may call me "Paul," "Pastor Paul," or "Pastor Oh." I was born in Seoul, South Korea and grew up there. When I was a college student, God called me to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Since that time, I have followed the call of God by studying at two seminaries for my Master of Divinity Degree: Methodist Theological Seminary is Seoul, South Korea, and Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC. Before I came to Jolliff UMC, I served the Belle Haven/Bethel Charge on the Easter Shore of Virginia for eight years.
My family includes my wife, Mikang Kim and two children, Sammy and Grace Oh.
Jolliff UMC Leadership
Our team at Jolliff UMC consists of leaders that use their unique skills to serve and guide the church to a shared goal and vision.